Contact us.

If you need assistance navigating the VA claims process or fighting for compensation from a wrongdoer and would like to see if Thomas Andrews can assist you, please contact me at 803-748-1292 to discuss your claim or schedule an appointment.

If mailing something, please mail to: 
                                                          Andrews Law Office, LLC
                                                          Post Office Box 2744
                                                          Columbia, SC 29202

You may send correspondence or documents by facsimile to 803-381-9286 or by email to

The Department of Veterans Affairs offices in Washington, DC are located at Vermont and H Street NW. You want an attorney that knows how to take the fight to the VA.


Neither viewing this website nor contacting the Andrews Law Office constitutes rendering legal advice or creation of an attorney-client relationship. If you have a VA claim, you are urged to contact an attorney to assist you with your claim. An attorney-client relationship will not be created with Andrews Law Office, LLC or Thomas Andrews unless their is a written contract signed by both parties.  Simply sending correspondence or conversing on the telephone without entering into a written contract signed by both parties does not create an attorney-client relationship.